Thursday, October 25, 2012

Another musical evening

Alyssa had her first concert of the season. She's at Lincoln High School now. The girls were required to wear dresses and the guys were supposed to wear suits. I don't remember Alyssa being required to go to Lincoln for a concert last year, but this year the freshmen were on the stage for the last couple of songs. The concert started out with the concert choir of which Alyssa is a member.
Her spot was the top row, second on the right.
Her "twin" Haley stood right next to here for the last couple of songs after the other choirs sang.
And a last little surprise. Today after work I took a quick look at Facebook just before supper and Alyssa had an update that she's in a relationship. With Alyssa, you never know quite what that means. Well, I found out. After her concert we told her to meet us at the back of the auditorium. She brought her boyfriend to meet us! My little girl has a BOYFRIEND! And HE wanted to come meet us. How cool is that? He is six foot two inches. Alyssa is five foot three (a smidgen more because she's taller than me). His name is Casey and he seems like a really nice young man. He is a senior, works at the Courthouse Pub and is a really good artist according to Alyssa AND him. Laugh. . . Any way, Alyssa is all giggly about him. Love it.