Monday, March 15, 2010


How do I know that spring is trying to spread into the frigid north known as Wisconsin? The following is my list of clues.

Here's the obvious one. The thermometer reads 55 degrees. It's March 15 - 55 degrees on March 15th in Wisconsin is something dreams are made of.

What is that white stuff on the grass in the yard? The weatherman on channel 5 called it yard mold this morning. That sounds pretty disgusting. I'll just count it as another sign spring is on it's way.

You can almost see the leaves popping out of this rose leaf bud, can't you?

Here's our water skiing lake in the backyard. Problem is, it shows up too early and is too cold to actually go water skiing on. When it's warm enough, the lake is gone.

Beautiful daffodils. They are such a happy looking flower. You can't see them, yet, but they are on their way!

The birdlike columbine are peaking their leaves out. I'm partial to purple and dark red leaves on plants. This one is making me happy in March!

I planted a cherry tree about four years ago. Haven't gotten a cherry, yet (the birds have). But the blossoms are gorgeous in a couple of months. I know they're coming because of the buds that are getting bigger by the second.

The bottom of the rose canes are getting green. I should have cut the dead parts out several weeks ago. But it was COLD outside. Fat chance that was going to happen.

But the number one reason I know spring is on its way???? I was outside without a winter coat taking pictures of my garden! Mellie was with me enjoying the warm air and trying to miss the puddles (yeah, right). I know we'll probably get more snow, but I'm going to enjoy the weather outside while I can.

Happy Spring!


  1. I love Spring as well. I am trying not to get too excited about the warm weather we have been having because I know it will snow again. My daffodils are starting to peak out of the ground too.

    BTW, why is there no mention of your wonderful little sister? She wasn't even invited to the monthly game night.

  2. Spring? Don't even bring that up. All it means is work outside plus the work inside. At least right now I can say that it's too cold outside to do that honey....
