Friday, July 9, 2010

Pounding rocks!

Here's something I had no idea I was going to be doing on my week off! My brother, Eric, gave me a call asking about drilling holes into rocks. Certain people in my family have an abnormal attraction to rocks - I'm one of them. Eric has acres of rocks. Isn't he lucky! Any way, he decided to make "planters" out of some of the rocks. Of course I had to run out to his house to get in on the action. We went looking for "practice rocks". Here's one we found.

We also found wild animal havens - not high on my list of fun things to do.

Once we found some rocks, we needed to drill some drainage holes.

Didn't it turn out good?!

Now time to make the little hollow for the plants. Grinder time!

Now for the Michelangelo part. Break out the chisels.

Look how they turned out! Not bad for a couple of amateurs! Eric supplied the rocks and tools, I supplied the Hens & Chicks and talent!

We're taking orders, send your money our way!


  1. Oh my god! Those are sooo cool! Sign me up for 20 of them...I need them at any cost! I would suggest that everyone order theirs quickly before I snap them up? :-)

  2. That guy in the pictures could be a hand model!

  3. Is there any gold in them thar hills? (call me)

    Seriously, these are very cool!

    To: Mr. Hand Model...please be careful, you wouldn't want to break a nail! (Oh joy, now there's another guy who won't lift a finger around the house. LOL)
