Instead of being unhappy with the bumper crop of mosquitoes, I've decided to be happy with how well my garden is doing. There are issues with it, but today I'm going to be very positive. For instance, my husband and I constructed the fountain and round flagstone patio together about seven years ago. It turned out perfect. I have issues getting anything in pots to grow on the fountain because it's extremely hot on the stones, but I have some ideas for next year that don't care how hot it is.
Here's another awesome thing in my garden this year. My sweet corn is about ten feet tall! My corn has never been that tall. The saying is "knee high by the Fourth of July", but mine was almost as tall as me by that time! Love it!
Don built a pergola for me several years ago. Two years ago I planted a grape vine on it for a little height in my garden. We got a few grape bunches last year, but this year is unbelievable! Can't wait till these purple Concord grapes are ready to eat.
In the back garden, this Turk's Turban is doing well. This morning we had evidence of deer, so I hope they don't start eating the pumpkins and gourds.
The purple cone flowers are almost a weed again this year. It's a good thing I love them!
I planted several rows of zinnias in my cutting garden this year. The next couple of pictures show some of the colors. I love zinnias - there so happy looking!
Take time to enjoy August. Summer is on the downside of the hill. Even though the rain and hot weather have brought those nasty biting insects, drench yourself in the bug spray and take a close look at all the green before it's gone.
Think about putting a tomato cage around each pumpkin so that the deer don't get at them. Wouldn't want the local bums to ruin the next record holding pumpkin!