Thursday, June 16, 2011

Where's my mom?

Surprise! Don and I decided to trim the hedge by our patio tonight. When we were done we walked around my flower gardens talking about the changes I want to make. He mentioned that two of the shrubs in the front yard had really taken a beating this past winter from all the snow. We decided to take a look at them. Then we noticed a couple of little mallard ducklings crossing the road coming right toward us. They weren't afraid of us at all - even wth Mellie staring at them! The two of them came right up to me. I knelt down and they waddles right underneath me! Mellie only tried to eat them once - she's such a good dog.

Don looked arojnd the neighborhood for the mother duck and/or their nest with no luck. He then called a couple of places trying to find out what to do with them. No luck so far . . .

Alyssa is in heaven, but very unhappy we can't keep them. The longer they stay the more attached she's becoming. We need a call fast!

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