Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Smattering of Everything

This summer my garden is really getting off to a fast start. Generally on Memorial Day my flower garden is just starting to awaken. Not this year. My irises are already blooming big and gorgeous. Makes me wonder if this will be a good year or a bad year for my garden. Maybe everything will be bloomed out by mid-summer!
My lupines below are almost completely done blooming. They were spectacular. The picture just doesn't do them justice.
We were up at our camper near Athelstane this weekend. Our family really enjoys 4-wheeling. Just as we were getting started on our ride a rider coming from the opposite direction came full blast on purpose into a huge puddle and splashed the muddy water all over me. Instead of getting upset,I decided it gave me license to go through the middle of every puddle for our entire ride. Alyssa wouldn't be outdone, though. Once she saw I was the wettest and dirtiest, she took it as a personal dare to outdo me. She did a great job!
Yesterday it was our annual planting of the pumpkins. My sister and nephews came and we planted the back garden in record time. The boys really wanted to plant corn for some reason, so we did that first. Hope it comes up!
Don has a buddy. They ran around on 4-wheelers while the real workers planted.
Last week Alyssa had her last chorus concert at Wilson. She really enjoyed the two years she was in chorus and loved her teacher, Mrs. H. Alyssa will miss her when she's up at Lincoln High School.
Looking forward to summer. So far so good! Jill

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